Elizabethtown Regional Sewer Authority
235 Ersa Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Manager: Nick Viscome
Email: Nick@ersapa.com
Secretary/Bookkeeper: Michele Range
Email: Michele@ersapa.com
Assistant Secretary: Andrea Zell
Email: Andrea@ersapa.com
Manager: Steve Rettew
Email: Steve@ersapa.com
Brock Miller
Email: Brock@ersapa.com
Kevin Bixler
Email: Kevin@ersapa.com
Paul Bell
Email: Paul@ersapa.com
Zach Bradley:
Email: Zach@ersapa.com
Seasonal Employees:
Robert Cowen & Steven Rettew
Prior to January 1, 2012, both the Mount Joy Township Authority (MJTA) and West Donegal Township Authority (WDTA) operated independently. On January 1, 2012, the two authorities merged and changed its name to the Elizabethtown Regional Sewer Authority (ERSA). ERSA currently operates from its headquarters at 235 Ersa Drive, Elizabethtown, PA 17022
ERSA has approximately 4,800 customers and operates 15 individual pump stations. All of the flow from West Donegal Township and Mount Joy Township is treated at the Sewage Treatment Plant owned by the Elizabethtown Borough and located at the corner of Amosite Road and S.R. 241.
The merger of the two Authorities accomplished:
Chairman: John O’Connell
Vice Chairman: Dave Sweigart
Secretary: Allen Sollenberger
Assistant Secretary: Roger Snyder
Treasurer: Kenneth L. Shaffer
Assistant Treasurer: Rick Erb
RETTEW Associates, Inc.
3020 Columbia Ave
Lancaster, PA 17603
Phone: 717-394-3721
Email: Abraham.king@rettew.com
Nikolaus and Hohenadel
222 South Market Street
Suite 201
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Phone: 717-367-1370
Email: jshank@n-hlaw.com